Promoting your results –
Fulfil your obligations and boost your visibility

Passing research results on to the scientific community is a central interest of public sponsors. On the one hand, dissemination is a contractual duty. On the other hand, project marketing helps obtain continued and future funding. In doing so, it is important to comply with the funding agency’s provisions on IPR and to elaborate strategies to present the contents appropriately for different target groups.

Here, concentris is a dynamic partner who makes projects visible to the scientific community with enthusiasm and experience. We master any communication channel – be it a simple project flyer, social media, video production, or press conferences. In close consultation with you, our in-house science communication team ensures that your news and research results are being presented accurately yet easily understood by the target audience.

Our dissemination and project marketing services in detail:

Website and corporate identity for your project

Project logo, letterhead, website, presentation slides, posters, roll-ups, flyers

Project videos, masterclasses & talks

Explain your project or important aspects of it in a video clip. We prepare the concept, shoot the scenes, cut, edit, animate, and produce the video for you. We also film speakers, edit, and produce masterclasses or talks.

Developing a dissemination strategy

Selection of appropriate target groups, media, methods, sponsors, and multipliers

Public relations

Articles, electronic newsletters, press releases, advertisements, blogs, and social media

International conferences and satellite symposia

Organisation of conferences with a focus on your project’s thematic area, project workshops as satellite symposia

See also conference services

Your benefits from concentris

  • One plus factor of the proposal: You show that you have thought of dissemination activities and that the necessary expertise and resources are available in the project.
  • Scientific reputation: You present your research results at your own conference or chair your own symposium. You decide when, where and with whom you appear in public.
  • Relief: Dissemination and project marketing are obligations from the contract with the sponsors. We take over the bulk of this work so that you have more time for research.
  • Higher visibility: concentris organises the stage for your presentation in order to make your vision and results more visible to the research community.

Examples of our project websites

Examples of our project videos

Examples of our project flyers (web & print versions)

Examples of our roll-up posters at kick-off meetings

Examples of our project newsletters

Examples of our project advertisements

DIN A3 Poster DIN A5 Flyer (front)DIN A5 Flyer (back)

Examples of our project-specific Twitter accounts

Example of a press release in multiple languages

What our clients say
"Many thanks for sharing DynaMORE newsletter, it is very interesting and enjoyable to read. I also enjoyed looking at your website, congratulations, the communication around your project is very well done."
"Thank you for making the changes to the website so quickly!"
"Dear Sara and Nina, This is really a very nice website. Congratulations and thank you very much for the effort and for the excellent result! ...We now have a really great showcase!"
"Thanks a lot for the videos. They are super well recorded and helpful for dissemination!"
"Just watched the MATRICS video that you produced! Wow, wow, wow … you did a fabulous job. Looks great!"

"Many thanks. The video editing is superb... I am delighted!"

"Dear Nina, The website looks really great! Overall I have to say, I have never seen an international project that was managed so well in all aspects."