Project management means provision of services. Our services help to get your project idea rolling. Our consistently high performance contributes to keeping it going. You are the steersman, we are the ‘engine’ of your project. You direct, we walk to the end of the path with you.
Competent and friendly partners at your side
Regardless of whether it is a project proposal with 20 participants or reporting to the EU is involved: Both need planning and co-ordination in order to eventually lead to success. With creativity and dedication, we also carry out conferences, project meetings, training and workshops. Process organisation is one of our great strengths.
Project managers
concentris is a small, alert and friendly team of project managers with longstanding experience in the management of research projects. We are well-versed in the Horizon Europe & Horizon 2020 Programmes of the EU as well as in IHI / IMI projects and we draw on our contacts to the EU and other information platforms in order to drive research projects to success.
16 x
Expertise & know-how for your success
The right team to reach your goals
Teaming people, moderating international groups, bringing about decisions: To effect real results, we prefer to communicate in person. It is not always easy to strike the right note when motivating people for collaboration. This is exactly what we understand as being one of our central tasks.
And first and foremost: 16 Service providers
The faces behind concentris.

Dr. Ameli Schwalber
Project manager, CEO

Ameli has studied international business management and has a PhD in health economy. She is the founder and CEO of concentris. For more than 17 years, she has been active in EC project management. As a trainer and expert in the field of project management, she has also been employed by the European parliament.

Andrea Wohner
Project manager

Andrea has been managing medium- and large-scale projects in the HEALTH field for several years. She has a French-German Master's Degree in International Management and thus enjoys working with people from different cultures.

Dr. Sara Stoeber
Project manager

Sara has a PhD in natural science and worked for many years in the research. As Project manager for interdisciplinary national and international research projects on environment and health, she is well-acquainted with the requirements of research projects.

Juliane Dittrich
Project manager

During her studies in oecotrophology, Juliane concentrated much on nutrition with a focus on preventive medicine. After several years as research fellow at the university she has gained insight into science and experience in project management.

Dr. Barbara Heißerer
Project manager

Barbara completed her master in politics and public management at the Konstanz University and her PhD in transport research at the National University of Ireland. Her international work experience and meticulous approach facilitate the coordination of large-scale research projects.

Dr. Christiana Krammer
Project manager

Biologist by training, Christiana did her PhD at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich in the field of preclinical studies focusing on depression and antidepressant treatment outcome. She has expertise in e.g. animal models, GWAS and microarray studies.

Sonja Leissner
Project manager

After her B.Sc. in geography with biology Sonja researched single-use plastics waste management and circular economy within the health sector as part of her M.Sc. in Sustainable Research Management in Ireland. Within the same sector she afterwards worked on the development of a medical product for physiotherapy that lead to the successful founding of a company in Spain to market the product worldwide. With her enthusiasm for intercultural collaboration and her scientific and business experience Sonja enjoys mediating between the EU, research institutions and private businesses on an international scale.

Vanessa Köhler
Project manager

As a trained hotel management assistant and project manager (IHK), Vanessa supports our projects with a lot of enthusiasm in all phases. She contributes her years of experience in the organisation of national and international conferences, seminars and meetings in various industries and is used to keeping a cool head even in stressful situations.

Sabine Kapfhamer
Project manager

After studying International Cultural and Business Studies at Passau University, Sabine initially worked for several years as a project manager in development cooperation. Since then, she has been very enthusiastic about intercultural teamwork and interdisciplinary issues. Her interest in science and research led her to the Technical University of Ingolstadt, where she worked for several years as a project coordinator for international and national research projects and also supervised a German-African research network on renewable energies. With her passion for language and communication, she wants to bring people together to promote innovative ideas and sustainable solutions – in the EU and worldwide.

Dennis Cleff
Project assistant

Due to his training as a salesman for travelling services, Dennis is used to being self-sufficient, even in foreign surroundings. Thanks to his open-minded and communicative character as well as his wish to make the world a tiny bit better, this all-rounder in our team provides energetic support to project management, science communication, and meeting organisation.

Dr. Nina Donner
Project manager & Science communication

A neuroscientist by training, Nina holds a Master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences, and a PhD in Integrative Physiology. She has worked in basic research and as a lecturer in Colorado, and at the Max-Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich. Through international collaborations, project leadership, training of students, and journalistic experience, she is well acquainted with project management, loves multicultural settings, and enjoys communicating complex scientific topics to the public.

Tamara Berghammer
Science communication

Tamara complemented her Master’s degree in genetics with a certificate in graphic design. These specialisations and her know-how from working in public & investor relations in the life sciences sector, empower her to translate complex science into understandable and appealing pieces of information – across all channels and tailored to specific target groups.

Nina Karguth
Science Communication

Nina started her academic career in Würzburg with a B.Sc. in Biomedicine and continued in Lisbon, Portugal, where she acquired a M.Sc. degree in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine. Before she decided to focus on science communication, she has worked in basic and translational research in different European countries in academia and industry. Nina enjoys international settings, exciting projects, and is passionate about communicating science in an understandable and relatable way.

Tassilo Steinmann
Web developer & IT support

Tassilo is the IT expert at concentris and takes care of our websites and technical support. Creativity, scientific working methods, and his communicative nature ensure diverse operational readiness.

Katrin Zimmermann
Meeting organisation and IT support

Katrin organises project meetings with passion. In most major cities in Europe she now feels like home. As an IT expert she furthermore takes care of IT issues at concentris and supports us with the programming of websites and intranets.

Jessica Jones
Project manager, meeting organisation

As a trained travel agent, Jessica has a wealth of experience concerning worldwide destinations and cultures. Her first priority is to detect current trends and to guarantee customer satisfaction. She enthusiastically supports concentris in the planning and implementation of national and international events since 2020.

What our clients say
“A big thanks to Sara at concentris. She has been an enormous help in getting the application submitted and I don't think we could have submitted on time and with such ease without her help. Also she provided excellent feedback on various drafts of the proposal that were very helpful. In addition she was always calm and patient which helped me to stay calm, too! Thank you, Sara!”
“Absolutely wonderful! I will propose to clonate you: it's difficult to find someone more efficient (and friendly!) than you!“
"Thanks, Juliane. You and the Concentris team were outstanding and one of the main reasons this project has been a success."
"Many thanks, Sara. You are much more than a Project Manager!"
“Completely satisfied with concentris. Everything was done to very high standard. Andrea works very hard and gives her everything to the project. I have no complaints. I am not even sure anything needs to be improved.”
„Dear concentris team, it has been a great pleasure to prepare this application with such a great group of professionals. You have made very complicated things to seem quite easy.”
"Hi Nina, The website looks really great! Overall I have to say, I have never seen an international project that was managed so well in all aspects."